Patna to Babadham

One of the 12th Jyotirlinga Baba Baidyanath Dham


Baidyanath Dham - Same Day Tour

Patna to Baidyanath Dham By Train - 4 Per Person


Baidyanath Dham - Same Day Tour

Patna to Baidyanath Dham By Train - 6 Per Person


Baidyanath Dham - Same Day Tour

Patna to Baidyanath Dham By Train - 7 Per Person

How to reached Patna to Baidyanath Dham

To travel from Patna to Baidyanath Dham, you have several transportation options. Here’s a guide on how to reach Baidyanath Dham from Patna:

  1. By Road:

    • The most convenient and commonly chosen mode of transportation is by road.
    • You can opt for private taxis, cabs, or even book seats in AC buses that ply between Patna and Baidyanath Dham.
    • The distance between Patna and Baidyanath Dham is approximately 240 kilometers, and it takes around 6-7 hours to reach, depending on traffic conditions and the chosen route.
  2. By Train:

    • You can also consider traveling by train from Patna to Baidyanath Dham.
    • Board a train from Patna Junction (PNBE) to Jasidih Junction (JSME) or Deoghar Junction (DGHR).
    • Both Jasidih and Deoghar are the nearest railway stations to Baidyanath Dham, with regular train services connecting them to Patna.
    • After reaching either of these stations, you can hire a local taxi or auto-rickshaw to reach Baidyanath Dham, which is about 7-10 kilometers away.
  3. By Air:

    • The closest airport to Baidyanath Dham is the Deoghar Airport in Deoghar, which is approximately 8 kilometers away.
    • You can book a flight from Patna’s Jay Prakash Narayan Airport (PAT) to Ranchi and then take a taxi or bus to Baidyanath Dham.
    • Although flying can be faster, it might involve more travel time and cost compared to other modes of transportation.
  4. By Bus:

    • State-run buses and private buses also operate between Patna and Baidyanath Dham.
    • You can check for bus schedules and book tickets from the nearest bus terminal.
    • Buses take around 6-7 hours to reach Baidyanath Dham from Patna, depending on the route and road conditions.

Always ensure to plan your journey ahead of time, book tickets in advance, and check for the availability of transportation options. Be mindful of the weather conditions and local travel guidelines while undertaking your journey. Enjoy your trip to the sacred destination of Baidyanath Dham!

Baba Baidyanath Dham Aastha Yatra - 2 N 3 D
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