Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra Satsang Ashram, Deoghar

About Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

A golden moment was appeared in a dark period of Indian history when Param Purush was descended on the earth in British-ruled India, in the family of Shiv Chandra Chakravarty and Manmohinidevi in the village of Himaitpur, District Pabna near Dhaka on 14th September 1888.He was named as Anukul Chandra by his parents; He lived like any other ordinary children but had given lots of extraordinary glimpses of his super powers from his very childhood.Due to financial problems aroused because of his tendency to help his poor friends, he could not complete his medical studies. He returned to His villages and started practising medicine and curing patients with remarkable success and He became a well-known doctor.With His divine touch and healing powers, He started attracting more and more people towards him, He also used to give spiritual knowledge to peoples and started performing Kirtans. While performing Kirtann’s He was going into a trance and was delivering divine messages in divine voices, some of these were recorded in a book called Punya Punthi.In a very short period of time, His name and fame spread all over and people started calling Him Sri Thakur Anukulchandra. He established Satsang Organisation to spread spiritual knowledge to the common man with a simple technique of Being and Becoming.His philosophy of Yajan, Yaajan and Ishtbhriti attracted thousands of thousand people towards Him, irrespective of region, religion and cast.Sri Sri Thakur Anukul Chandra is a True Master (Sat Guru) and World Teacher and a Prophet of the present age. His teachings, messages & spontaneous love and compassion for all beings are a reflection of His tuning to Supreme-consciousness. He is the embodiment of “Being and becoming”.Before the partition of India, He shifted His entire Satsang and activities to Deoghar in the current Jharkhand state of India leaving everything behind in Bangladesh and continued His man making a mission in India.He was a prolific writer. Noted among his 94 books (82 in Bengali and 12 in English) are Punyapunthi, Anushruti (6 volumes), Chalar Sathi, Shashvati (3 volumes), Pritibinayak (2 volumes).The Supreme Soul left the earth on 26th January 1969, by promising that He will come back again.We all are waiting for His Punaravtaar.

About Satsang Ashram

It is the resolute conviction of Satsang that just as the handful of men who gathered around Sri Thakur fifty years ago, steadily increased over the following decades, from hundreds into thousands and today number in hundreds of thousand; so in the next decade, those hundreds of thousand will grow into crores out of that universal and desperate urge for life and growth.Further, as this spontaneous expansion takes place, we and our children will find that the ancient racial memory of an era when men were Gods and walked upon the earth – that memory which stirs in the deep unconscious of all of us – will have been unknowingly transformed into a reality – for ourselves, our family, our country and the world. When Late Deshbandhu C.R. Das approached Thakur at Calcutta a few years before his sudden demise and accepted him as his spiritual guide, Thakur said— “I know of no other politician, if service to the necessities of man is politics then I am a politician to my backbone. I understand love; I can appreciate what service is. I love life, not death”. Thakur can repairmen like motor cars in the hands of an expert engineer and the nervous, debilitated and imbecile bloom in health and vigor if they have the sincerity to keep his company for some time, with a few strokes of his chisel he can create life and energy in a block of lifeless mass, the hopeless beam with hope, the weak quiver with thrills of energy unfelt before and the depressed became inspired with his slogan of love, life and lift. Thakur’s life–drama is played not in the stirring fields of politics; not in the superficies of the masses nor on the platform, he worked smilingly in the depth of the human soul with his un-vulnerable love, service and activity, and can rouse the dreams of a Ceasar in the heart of a Bangalee and the inspiration of a John of Arc in the soft flickering of a Bangalee illiterate women’s heart. As Thakur’s odd combination of practical religion, visionary idealism and intuitive insight attracted the attention of larger and larger number of people, his deep compassion and willing acceptance of the frustrated, the social outcast, the insane and incapable remained what one has described as his greatest asset and greatest liability. This sense of unlimited responsibility for everyone who came gave to everyone a vision of an almost universal love practically applied. However, for those who feel that love is synonymous only with the good and beautiful the sight of the diseased, the demented and the undeserving, all finding hope and shelter with him was distributing…at times unnerving. At one place Sri Sri Thakur stated that he shelters evil in the hope that someday they will change, he never supported evil, he told that he was the foolish father of the fallen son. The remarkable thing is that Thakur inspired everyone and waited for till his transformation is achieved.

At present the following activities are functioning:

  • Satsang Philanthropy (SPO), the main office of Satsang, occupies a large three-storey building. Hundreds of people work here.
  • Satsang Computer Centre (SCC), housed in the main office building is a unique large complex of its kind. It caters to various works of the office.
  • Ananda Bazar [Common Kitchen] (AB). More than one thousand people are given food here daily. Free meals are provided for the devotees who come from outside to visit the Ashram. During the two main Utsavs and four Ritwik conferences held each year, for which thousands and thousands of devotees come from different provinces of India, all of them have their meals here; and this joyous function goes on for about one week.
  • Satsang Chemical Works (SCW). Whenever anyone came to Sri Sri Thakur afflicted with ailments, his kind heart would overflow with compassion. He gave many formulas for medicines that would remedy their diseases. The Satsang Chemical Works came into existence to produce these medicines.
  • A large herb garden has been started by Sri Sri Borda. He uses the rare herbs grown here in the preparation of medicines which have cured many previously incurable diseases, thus fulfilling one of our Lord Sri Sri Thakur.
  • Satsang Press (SPH) has printed the compilations of Sri Sri Thakur’s messages and many other books, and from here the magazines Alochana (Bengali), Ligate (English), Satwati (Hindi), Agambani (Assamese), Urjana (Oriya) and Swasti Sevak (Bengali) are issued monthly.
  • Satsang Water Supply Department (SWSD). Water is pumped from a well near the Darwa River through pipes to supply the Ashram.
  • Satsang Engineering and Mechanical Workshop (SE&MW). Most of the things necessary for Ashram are manufactured here.
  • Satsang Carpentry. Many wooden articles for the use of Satsang Ashram are made here.
  • Satsang Electrical Division (SED). There are five high-power generators for an emergency supply of electricity to the Ashram Area, over and above the generators are exclusively meant for the computer centre.
  • Satsang Guest Houses (SGH). There are several guest houses for the accommodation of visiting devotees and guests.
  • Among the many other facilities are the Congregational Prayer House, Satsang Library (Amardyuti Bidi-Mandir), Binapani Vidya Mandir (Upper Primary School and Girls section of Satsang Tapovan High School) and Satsang Cow-shed.
  • Satsang Tapovan High School for Boys. This is an ideal educational institution under the supervision of Ideal-minded teachers.
  • Amardyuti Satsang College. This college provides instruction of Arts, Science and Commerce. Also, preparations are being made to establish a separate college for Law.
  • Post Graduate Institution. This section was opened with the special permission of the University Grants Commission. It is the preliminary base of Shandilya University.
  • Satsang Charitable Hospital (SCH). Sri Sri Borda himself used to treat many patients, keeping them in his house. His great desire to help the sick is being materialised in Satsang hospital. Sri Sri Thakur spoke of a Hospital with about five hundred beds. Towards the fulfilment of his desire, about sixty beds have so far been set up. This hospital now has a special reputation because of the inspiration and direction of Sri Sri Borda. It’s sacred, enlivening atmosphere, along with the care it provides, greatly increases the patients’ power of recovery. A comprehensive plan for the hospital’s development has been worked out. In the newly constructed conference room, medical seminars are held twice in a year attended by Satsangee and other medical professionals from different parts of the country and abroad. The hospital also has a library of its own.

All India Prayer Timings

Sri Sri Thakur’s Prayer


What we submit to God becomes prayer.
In Sri Sri Thakur Anukul Chandra’s view:
Prayer is essentially application of words and deeds to achieve the goal.
When prayer gets focused and tuned with urge for action, you will get peace in body, mind and freedom from complex mania.

Both the above two sayings of Sri Sri Thakur link prayer to action, leading to goal realization. The payer is done both in words and deeds. When the prayer (the desired goal) and action (the medium for achieving the goal) are in synch, one comes to a state of peace and harmony, physically, mentally and emotionally.

In Anusruti, 3rd part, Sri Sri Thakur Anukul Chandra has given a long lyric vani (in Bengali), which really brings out what should be our prayer to the Lord. We have attempted to translate that profound vani of Sri Sri Thakur below and that for us seems to be the last word on prayer.

Translation from Bengali to English has been rendered jointly by Prof. Dinabandhu Dey and Dr Debesh C Patra
Dinabandhu Dey is Professor in English, Khaira College, Balasore, Odisha.
Dr. Debesh C Patra is Deputy General Manager, Bharat Petroleum Corporation, Mumbai.
Both are Members of Institute of Indo-Aryan Studies.
We owe a word of gratitude to Pujyapada Buddhadev Chakraborty for his guidance and seal of approval.

O my gracious Lord, the all-powerful master,
the glory of my being, the wealth and divinity;
The stay of my soul, the goal ultimate,
the light of life, the pathway to eternity.

Beneath the canopy of thy serene dispensation,
May I bear the cross of my distress!
In thy denial of morsel or bestowal of laurel,
O divinity! Thy cold look won’t me repress!

Every act of yours is blessing for me,
I am surrendered, ever at your feet;
To serve you is my duty supreme,
work for you is life’s goal I treat.

Thou art my sole belonging,
nothing else have I to yearn;
Least care world over, for anything,
thy pain is my lone concern.

You know what is good to me,
gracious lord! Let it be done;
I pray Thee! Live with esteem,
for me and for everyone.

Your service, with inquisitive zeal,
your work, words of principle;
Upholding these is my true worship,
for my soul, and goal of the disciple.

Nourishing thy smile, content and care,
glory unto you! the world over;
That be my cherished endeavour,
the mission I’ll chase for ever.

You bless me! Stay with me,
you live forever, life eternal;
Me at your feet, at your call,
be with you, for you, ever loyal.

Those who make a show of love,
and who pet their own deficiency;
Never put their words into action,
devoid of devotion and decency.

Million words of thy mercy and admonition,
seldom touch them and impact;
Only they who live in you and you in them,
can relish thy bliss, keeping you intact.

I claim not thy mercy or unmerited favour,
though dear thou art to me;
Let this heart, brimming over with love,
wash thy lotus feet and adore thee.

Have mercy on me! Perfect me,
to meet thy wish, fulfil demand;
My body, mind and soul, all that I am,
could see you, hear and understand.

This is my prayer, O my Lord,
my life’s go, thirst and hunger;
Let thy abode ever illumine, remain unshaken,
in my heart, that beats faster.

Each of thy commandments,
is my soul’s benediction and cheer;
Be thou my guide, goading me unhindered,
may clouds of despair be clear?

When you grant my fervent prayer,
making me full of thy grace;
I see you here, there and everywhere,
closest to my heart I feel thy presence.

To care the wellbeing and joyance with a flourish,
of self, home in touch with surroundings;
I pledge to adore it, the motto sublime,
with you as the pivot, the lord of becoming.

Let the aura of thy sight, sweet and blissful,
pervade in and around, the whole of the universe;
may I worship, serve and nourish thee,
with a heart resplendent with thy splendours.

With my being fastened to you,
firm up our bond of love with unselfishness;
Vanquish all evils, banish them forever,
with thy sweet and deft touch of blessedness.

Let accomplishment of all acts vital and vigorous,
attuned to thy laws, piety of providence;
Effulgence in thy unerring ways and blooming purity,
ever chasing a life of sacredness.

Let my acts of love and devotion to thee,
preserve in my heart with tenacity;
Resisting the evil with a crushing defeat,
prodding me along the path of eternity.

My devotion, o lord! Invoke thy mercy,
with blooming acts of love, hallowed in thy bliss;
Victory unto thee! A paean from each cell of being,
for a grace to uphold thy wish.

Knowing and not-knowing alike for you,
wisdom is your own being;
You are mine, all is yours,
saviour of the soul, the hoist of becoming.

You are with me, ever by my side,
with illuminating existential care;
I look up bewildered, wonder you are;
Without you who else is there?
this weak heart fails to measure.

Not everyone knows, thou art the love sovereign,
priest of all beings, matchless alone;
You own the world, the world is woven to you,
Thou art unique and second to none.


Contact Information

Toll Free No.: 1800 345 0122


Timings of the call between 8 am to 12 pm and 7 pm to 9 pm (IST).